Terrestrial Game

Enter the world of Terrestrial. A multi-billion dollar company called Nebula Ventures has always been one of the leading companies in space exploration and research with many accomplishments and awards to boast about in the space industry. Having over 260 patents for various equipment, vehicles, and procedures Nebula Ventures has made large strides in exploring other planets and solar systems with great risk and even greater rewards.

Recently they have expanded their exploration division by creating Space Advanced Rescue and Research or SARR teams composed of expert miners, scientists, technicians, and doctors trained to go into hostile planet environments and conduct various tasks. With objectives ranging from gathering resources to documenting strange artifacts, these elite teams are equipped with some of the latest Nebula Ventures technology designed to help complete any mission under any circumstances.

Terrestrial gameplay has base building similar to other RTSs with the exception that players are not building military facilities or weapons of war but instead science and medical equipment to assist in completing the mission. Players have to use the given equipment items, units, and research to complete the mission objective through any means necessary.